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From the ebook 'WE ARE ALL SLAVES TO SOMETHING' A Millenials Guide to Morality in Today's World. Part 9

In part 8 we discussed the perception that the religious experience is filled with does and don'ts. The reality is that when you know the truth, what you deem to be 'pleasure' will change as you begin to seek what is fulfilling versus what will lead you no where. Below is a continuation of verses and their explanations that will help you as you continue your journey.

Luke 18:29, no one can leave absolutely everything for God’s sake.

Luke 4:16, Jesus didn’t come to abolish organize religion; he helped lay the foundation for Christianity.

Psalm 19:7-9, God’s testimonies will make you wise and refresh your soul. His concepts are right and lead to joy, his commandments enlighten. The fear of God is healthy. His decrees are firm and righteous.

Matthew 10:39 & Romans 8:18, if you seek to find your life on earth you will lose eternal life. If you give your life to God you will attain it. Our present sufferings are nothing compared to the glory that will be revealed to us.

John 14:27, Jesus offers us peace.

Isaiah 26:3, God will keep the minds of his followers at peace.

Proverbs 15:33, the fear of God leads to wisdom.

Psalm 4:7, God can fill your hearth with joy. Happiness can result from circumstances but a joyful heart is continuous.

*Matthew 13:44-50, living your life for heaven is like selling everything you have in exchange for a treasure you’ve found.

Psalm 1:1-3, those who do not follow the wicked are blessed, it is possible to delight in the law of the lord, and you will prosper if you do so.

John 16:33 & Psalm 119:165, In Jesus words: ‘you will find peace, in the world you will find trouble.’

James 4:4, friendship with the world means becoming an enemy of God.

Psalm 40:8, when Gods law is in your heart you will desire to do his will.

Galatians 5:16 & 5:24, if you live for God, you will not need to gratify yourself with worldly pleasures.

John 10:10, Jesus came so that we could have life and live it to the fullest.

Isaiah 58:13-14, if you keep from breaking the Sabbath and doing as you please, call the Sabbath a delight and the day holy & honorable. If you also honor it by not going your own way then you’ll find joy in the lord.

Romans 8:15, when you receive the spirit you do not become a slave.

1 Corinthians 10:23-24, you can do anything but not everything is beneficial or constructive. Seek to do good for others.

Genesis 3:8-10, our sins make God someone to fear because of our shame.

Ecclesiastes 2:1-11, material things will leave you feeling empty.

Ecclesiastes 2:24-26, enjoyment in our meaningless life on earth can be found through God.

Proverbs 30:9, if you have too much you may disown God.

1 John 5:2-3, Gods commandments do not burden, they will help you will overcome the world.

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