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What to do in the gym for Dummies

There is often confusion for many new and inexperienced weightlifters when it comes to navigating the gym, exercise to perform and which routines to follow.It doesn't help when every article (like mine for example) providing training programs goes on and on and on. So let's cut through the fluff and get right down to how you should be training in the gym. This is based on the latest research for weight training, so you won't find 'high reps for fat loss' here.

What you should be doing in the gym in a few easy steps:

  • Always vary your workouts by changing them every few weeks

  • Lookup different rep schemes, workouts and exercises from industry experts…so not instagram

  • Want to get stronger? Lift heavier with less reps and more rest between sets

  • Want to get leaner? Use shorter rest periods when doing exercises

  • Want to get bigger? Lift in the 4-12 rep range and consume more calories in a high protein diet.

  • Avoid machines if possible and focus on compound, multi joint movements

  • Want to stay the exact same but you just really like hanging out in the gym? The lift comfortable weight for high reps and be comfortable on a cardio machine for like an hour at a time and you’re guaranteed to look the same forever…

Hope this helps…

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